There is so much that I am blessed with and today I am focusing my thankfulness on my best friend, my husband, and the father of my children, Jesse.
I will never forget hanging up the phone after our very first conversation and something struck me. A knowing that I would marry the man I just had a 2 hour phone conversation with, sight unseen. It was an eerie feeling to get a piece of my future told to me. I was excited and scared, but I knew that it was true.
Here we are, after 15 years of marriage, now welcoming our 5th child into our lives and I am so very happy. It wasn't always this blissful. It took a LOT if work on both our parts to get to a place of selflessness, respect, and understanding to get our partnership to this point. I am so glad that we are together to share our journey in life.
He is intelligent, strong in principal, well spoken, funny, fun, silly, gorgeous, patient, loving, respectful, full of ideas, cataclysmic, constantly evolving, and struggling to remain open to what the universe has to offer. He is the one person I can share all the mess I have swarming in my head all the time and he helps me figure it out. He also lets me into his head and offers me advice. The look on his face when holding one of our babies is one of the most beautiful things that I have ever seen.
Thank you oh great universe for providing me with such a wonderful partner in this lifetime.