Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Silence- it still happens

It is so amazing what you can get used to. When we first arrived here, the whole world seemed like a different place. It was so dark that I could see so many stars, the sky seemed to go on forever. The air smelled different and the water tasted funny.When we awoke the first morning here, the sounds we heard were brand new and sounded so strange. There were cows mooing, a weird howling sound which we now know as dogs barking (it just seems to echo strangely). There was even the sound of a donkey braying! Now, as I stand on the front porch and watch the sun rising up through the trees alighting all the morning dew and mist, I realize the biggest and strangest sound of all. The silence. The quite stillness of a standing tree or a blade of grass as the warmth of the morning sun encourages it to move. It is so healing.
Back in CT we lived right off of busy Route 6 and there was a constant stream of traffic, from 2 in the afternoon to 2 in the morning. You would always hear someone driving. On some days we were lucky enough that the traffic was light, but there was always the other sounds that people make. Saws, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, people arguing, music (good or bad!), dogs barking. Then, we have 4 kids! Like we ever get a moment of silence LOL!
Out here in the boonies, well close enough to it, I get to remember what silence is. Right after Jesse leaves for work, and after I have nursed both little ones back to sleep for a little while, I can hear the silence. I am so lucky to have the opportunity. I can let it enter my being to help quite all of my internal chatter. For a few moments anyway. Then I hear “Fee Fi Fo Fum, watch out cuz here I come! “ echo through the house and I know my therapy session has ended. But the great part is, it is right outside my door whenever I need it.

OT- A very interesting story!

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