Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I have been having such a hard time this pregnancy trying to positively envision the cesarean birth. The last time I was up the whole night before doing breathing exercises to try and relax, only to just about make myself sick.

This time I know what will happen and I have been very anxious about it. I posted about it on a few message boards and got a lot of support. Someone suggested the book Birthing from Within and while it is wonderful, it just wasn't working for me. Someone also suggested a Hypnobabies CD set call - My Successful Cesarean Birth. I just started them this week and it has helped me let go of so much fear already. It made me realize just how much tension I have been holding inside. I feel like I can finally breath deeply again and I am even starting to look forward to the birth that is less than two weeks away. That in itself has made it a good purchase. Let's see how it does for the birth!

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