Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 months

Our newest baby is already 5 months old. She has a nice chubby physique, smiles with a dimple, rolls over from back to belly, can reach and grab onto things, and interacts with you. You have to be careful when you hold her because she wants whatever you have in your hands, which makes it very difficult to drink a glass of water while holding her.
It has been wonderful watching my husband fall in love with our baby. He loves all of our children, but when you stay home with an infant, you fall in love in a different way. Being home means you get to be present for all the little details of their growth and change. You start to understand what they want from the look in their eye or they noise they make. Getting to know someone that well, changes your perception on all your relationships. It somehow lets you give them more room to grow and more time to do it, because you really understand where they are and where they have come from. Well, it has for me and it seems to be the same for my husband as well.
Whatever the case, I am so grateful to see their love, their closeness and level of communication when no words are involved. It's the small things that make life worth living.

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